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To renew your body, mind and spirit

Manual therapy

Deep, relaxing therapy that stimulates  the body's self-regulation mechanisms and leads the person to a physical, emotional and psychological balance . It works with the Internal Movement, which occurs at the level of the fasciae  (connective tissues  that involve all human structures,  putting in communication every cell of the human body)  and that interacts with psychic life.

Gesture therapy 

It's the  expression of sensorial movement  in visible motion  (slow movement, respecting the impulse, pauses and  intensity  of the Internal Movement). It can  to assume  two  shapes, one  structured,  based on sensorial biomechanics  and a free one, which  reflects  the  authentic expression  and  creativity  of  the sensitive human being.

 Sensorial Introspection

It's an experience made in  silence and immobility. The person closes his/her eyes in a state of deep presence to him/herself, feeling the growing awareness of the Inner Movement, with all its nuances and effects and without moving externally. It is a progressive path to reach the sensitive being.

Verbal dialogue

The patient is encouraged to  verbally express what has

experienced in his/her body, so can validate  and evaluate with his/her mind and with some  guidance from the therapist the  lived experience and then bring body and mind together.  That  understanding 

turns into  knowledge wich the person can apply to everyday life and transform it as needed.

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